personal interests the arts graphic art internet graphics

In this age of the computer, web graphics have become an every increasing part of graphic art formats.

unless otherwise noted all work is copyright d holmes chamberlin jr architect llc

Logo for D Holmes Chamberlin Jr - Architect LLC - 2000
Various forms of this logo were used for printed works and web graphics.
The original logo was just the circular pattern representing the straight lines and angles of architecture with
subtle references to the sea, the wind, and the sun or moon.
My very first business logo, in California, was an orange circle representing the life-giving sun...
a subtle variation of Frank Lloyd Wright's red-orange square.
Upon moving to the Oregon coast, I felt a blue logo was more fitting.
Acad, camera, PhotoShop

Travel Fanatics Unlimited Logo - 1996
This design was used to represent Travel Fanatics Unlimited, my travel company, on internet websites.
Composite Photoshop artwork.

Photography Logo Banner - 2012
This logo was designed as a cover graphic for the section of my website on photography.
Camera and Photoshop

Photography Logo Banner - 2012
This logo was another designed as a cover graphic for the section of my website on photography.
Camera and Photoshop

Architecture Logo Banner - 2012
This logo was designed as a cover graphic for the section of my website on architecture.
Camera and Photoshop

copyright  d holmes chamberlin jr  - architect - llc
page last revised february 2020